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James Monroe & Congress Support the Independence Movements of Spain’s American Colonies
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[We] behold with friendly interest, the establishment of independent sovereignties, by the Spanish provinces in America…”

[SOUTH AMERICA]. JAMES MONROE. Pamphlet. “Report (in Part) of the Committee on so Much of the President’s Message as Relates to the Spanish American colonies / December 10th, 1811. Read, and referred to the committee of the whole on the state of the Union.” Washington, D.C.: Printed by R. C. Weightman: 1811. 4 pp.

Inventory #21298       ON HOLD


The committee to whom was referred so much of the President’s message, as relates to the Spanish American colonies, have, in obedience to order of the House deliberately considered the subjects before them, and directed a report, in part, to be submitted to the consideration of House, in the form of a public declaration follows:

Whereas several American Spanish provinces, have represented to the United States that it has been found expedient for them to associate and form federal governments upon to the elective and representative plan, and to declare themselves free and independent: Therefore be it

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That they behold with friendly interest, the establishment of independent sovereignties, by the Spanish provinces in America, consequent upon the actual state of the monarchy to which they belonged; that as neighbors and inhabitants of the same hemisphere the United States feel great solicitude for their welfare; and that when those provinces shall have attained the condition of nations by the just exercise of their rights, the Senate and House of Representatives will unite with the executive in establishing with them, as sovereign and independent states, such amicable relations and commercial intercourse, as may require their legislative authority.

House of Representatives

10th December, 1811.

                                                House of Representatives,

                                                                        December 5, 1811.


            In behalf of the committee appointed to consider so much of the President’s message of the 5th November, as relates to the Spanish American provinces, I beg leave to inquire whether it is known to our government that any of those provinces have declared themselves independent, or that material changes have taken place in their political relations.  It is not expected, however, that my request will be understood to extend to those communications which, in the opinion of the executive, it would be improper to disclose.

Be pleased, Sir, to accept the assurance of my high consideration and respect

Samuel L. Mitchill.

Honorable James Monroe.

Washington, Department of State,

Dec 9th, 1811.


I have the honor to transmit to you, in compliance with the request contained in your letter of the 5th instant, a copy of the declaration of independence made by the provinces of Venezuela.  This act was communicated to this government by order of the Congress, composed of deputies from those provinces, assembled at Caraccas.  It is not ascertained that any other of the Spanish provinces have, as yet, entered into similar declarations; but it is known that most, if not all of them on the continent, are in a revolutionary state.  The progress made in that direction by some of them will best appear in the documents which have already been communicated to you.

I have the honor to be,

With great respect, Sir,

Your obedient servant,

Jas. Monroe.

The Hon. Samuel L. Mitchill,

&c.      &c.      &c.


Shaw & Shoemaker 24260

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