Seth Kaller, Inc.

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Other George Washington Offerings


Other Revolution and Founding Fathers (1765 - 1784) Offerings


Other Thomas Jefferson Offerings


Other Early Republic (1784 - c.1830) Offerings


Other Alexander Hamilton Offerings


The Alexander Hamilton Collection, Highly Important Original Letters, Documents, & Imprints
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Also Featuring George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Aaron Burr, Hamilton’s Family & Associates

We are pleased to offer this unique collection of original letters, documents, and artifacts that tell the story of the orphan immigrant who fought for independence, founded our financial system, and fostered a government capable of surviving internal factions and foreign foes.
See the complete catalog here.

Inventory #24685       PRICE ON REQUEST

Alexander Hamilton in the American Revolution and Post-War
  • a letter he wrote on Washington’s behalf about intelligence on Hessian troop movements
  • one of his most revealing love letters, calling Eliza “a little sorceress” who bewitched and rendered him “restless and unsatisfied with all about me”
  • a portion of Hamilton’s letter to Robert Morris on biases that affect New York taxes


The Founding, Cabinet Battles, and Federalist Era

  • George Washington’s “Justice & the Public Good” Letter
  • George Washington’s signed letter transmitting the Act establishing the Treasury Department
  • Hamilton signed letter on his 11th day as Treasury Secretary ordering Customs Collectors to accept Bank of North America and Bank of New York notes as the equivalent of gold or silver
  • contemporary printings of Congressional Acts implementing Hamilton’s Assumption Plan, his 1790 Report on Public Credit, and the charters for the Bank of the United States and the Society for Useful Manufactures
  • Act of Congress signed by Jefferson as Secretary of State for raising a farther sum of Money for the Protection of the Frontiers (Hamilton’s back-door approach to enacting his Report on Manufactures’ tariffs)
  • More Acts of Congress signed by Jefferson as Secretary of State, including An Act Concerning the Duties on Spirits Distilled within the United States (unsuccessfully intended to ease the hated Whiskey tax)
  • Frederick Jay (brother of Chief Justice John Jay) land donation to establish an African Free School in New York (Hamilton was one of the founders)
  • Hamilton document remitting a Whiskey tax fine two-days before leaving office
  • a near-riot over Jay’s Treaty, and challenges to Hamilton at Federal Hall
  • Hamilton’s letter on compensation for his successfully arguing first Supreme Court judicial review case
  • Hamilton’s draft letter rallying to defeat Jefferson after Washington declined a third term (Hamilton changed his tune four years later, when he considered Burr a greater danger)
  • the only known document in Hamilton’s hand on a legal case involving James Reynolds
  • a first edition of the “Reynolds Pamphlet,” in which he admits to infidelity but vigorously denies financial crimes; and a second edition, reprinted by his enemies
  • a document signed by Hamilton and Eliza and Angelica and a dozen other Schuyler sisters, brothers, cousins, in-laws, and even father General Philip Schuyler
  • Hamilton Defends Freedom of the Press Against Jefferson’s Libel Attacks in Landmark Freedom of the Press Case, and more
Rare Acts of Congress Signed by Jefferson’ Successor as Secretary of State
  • Edmund Randolph Signed Acts related to finance, trade, the Whiskey Rebellion, defense, etc.
Correspondence and Documents Including Hamilton Family Papers
  • Thomas Jefferson letter about the confidentiality of personal correspondence relating to politics and religion
Aaron Burr


Gazette of the United States newspapers

  • Capturing the Founding, and Congressional and public debate over Hamilton’s financial plans, as well as the Bill of Rights and other pressing issues.
Original Newspaper Runs Capturing Unfolding Stories
  • Highlights include reports on the Hamilton-Burr duel in his own newspaper, and Jefferson’s First Inaugural and first four State of the Union addresses. Plus, French Revolution and Haiti slave uprising reports, Acts of Congress, landmark legal cases such as Marbury v. Madison, and more politics, personalities, events, and issues.
The domain is included to allow the collection to be widely shared.

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